Car Dealership Marketing

Auto Dealer Advertising Agency

Outsourcing some or all of your automotive advertising to a car dealership marketing agency can help improve lead generation by reaching highly targeted in-market car buyers and drivers needing fixed-op services like vehicle maintenance or replacement parts. Auto dealer advertising agencies can work with your in-house marketing team to come up with the best campaigns to engage local car buyers. An effective digital marketing campaign will generate new traffic, leads, and sales online.

Car Sales Email Marketing

For more than 15 years, email marketing has been and still is one of the most effective marketing channels for car dealerships. Industry stats show that automotive businesses who utilize email marketing on a regular basis see results from the campaigns they mail out. By leveraging email marketing with traditional automotive marketing you’ll increase sales by getting your marketing message in front of consumers who do not watch TV or listen to the radio.

Automotive Marketing Strategies

A well planned and executed email marketing strategy will get your promotional messages to reach of your selected audience. Each campaign you mail out should have a marketing message that connects with the people you are sending it out to.

Here are a few examples of dealership auto intender marketing strategies:

  • When promoting larger vehicles like SUVs and vans, you may consider targeting –
    New parents, families with multiple children
  • Want to sell more commercial vehicles? Try targeting these types of consumers –
    Blue collar workers (AC, plumbing, electrician), business owners, company purchasing managers
  • Advertising luxury vehicles for sale can be rewarding if you target the right demographics –
    Specific income level, previous luxury car ownership, residential zip code

The most successful dealership email marketing campaigns use consumer targeting to match offers with people who are interested and already researching a vehicle type they want to buy next. Dealers who take the time to do this, will see greater results.

Automotive Digital Advertising Agency

Narrowing down which automotive digital advertising agency your dealership is comfortable working with can be a bit daunting when you’re dealing with aggressive sales people. Choosing a company like ours to handle your dealership advertising will take a lot of work off your hands. While your team members can now focus on other important marketing tasks, we’ll handle all of your email marketing needs from compiling highly targeted email lists to deploying your campaigns from our white-listed server.